Hello folks,
As we crash headlong into the holiday season, I have found myself reflecting on faith, tradition, and religion. This is the poem that came from that. Comments and feedback always appreciated, as are your own reflections on spirituality, in any form. And please, please subscribe!
I went to church yesterday.
I hadn't been in a long while
distracted as I was by all the minutiae of being alive.
I'm not very religious, and God always seems
a little
to me.
But I went to church yesterday.
As I was sitting there, listening
to a charming Irish priest,
I realized
I belonged there.
With the little girl with the pink bow in her hair
who was carrying the communion bread,
With the little girl with the pink bow in her hair
who was carrying the communion bread,
With the crying babies and white haired old women, Santa Claus pins on their sweaters
I didn't remember all the prayers,
and I couldn't find all the songs in the hymn book.
But I belonged there.
"I believe in one Catholic and Apostolic church",
as much as any modern-day woman can.
And when I shook the hand of the old man next to me,
I really did wish
"Peace to be with him".
Most of my friends see the Bible like its written in Mandarin.
Catholicism with is ritual and its saints,
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday,
It doesn't make sense to them.
But it's home to me.
I learned in science class that fire is an essential element to revival of a forest,
That there can not be life without burning.
So maybe this new found fervor
This faith I thought I had lost,
Maybe this is my renewal.
As I go about my life
Falling in and out of love,
Creating and learning and exploring,
As I exist,
I will carry this little flame in my heart, this little gift.
I went to church yesterday.
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